Iglesia Nereditsa

 ¿Qué ver en Iglesia nereditsa, Nóvgorod?

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The Nereditsa Church is a 12th-century Russian Orthodox church located in the city of Veliky Novgorod, Russia. The church is open for visitors every day from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and the entrance fee is 150 rubles (approximately $2 USD).

Unfortunately, there is no official website for the Nereditsa Church available at the moment. However, visitors can find more information about the church and its history from various travel websites and tour guides.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore other historical attractions such as the St. Sophia Cathedral, the Novgorod Kremlin, and the Museum of Wooden Architecture. The St. Sophia Cathedral is open for visitors every day from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, and the entrance fee is 350 rubles (approximately $5 USD). The Novgorod Kremlin and the Museum of Wooden Architecture have varying hours and entrance fees, so it is best to check their individual websites for more information.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Iglesia nereditsa)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Iglesia nereditsa)